Survivein the water

Infant Survival Lessons

We begin teaching infant lessons as young as 6 months of age. We teach babies how to turn to their back if or when they ever fall into the water. The turn is just as important as the float. If your child falls into water face down they need to know how to flip onto their back to breathe. These lessons can take up to 4-6 weeks.

Thrivein the water

Toddler Swimming Lessons

This is our most common age to start. Ages range from 2-4 years old. During these lessons, we teach toddlers to float from wall to wall while learning how to grab the wall and monkey crawl to the steps safely. We also teach them how to jump into the pool and float to the wall or pool steps. Depending on your toddler's skill level and behavior we may move forward with our swim float swim technique. Each lesson is tailored to fit your child’s needs and we will go at a pace that is best for where your child is at.

Take a divein the water

Swimming Technique and Diving Lessons

Once your little one can confidently jump into the pool, or slide off a slide and float safely; we will move forward with swimming technique and dives. We always evaluate where your swimmer is at on their first day to then build their lessons based on their age, skill, and personality. We incorporate the front stroke, backstroke, correct head position, kick turns, and properly learning how to dive.

how to Schedule

We're so excited to have you here at vail aquatics! And we can't wait to jump in with you. To get started, you'll use our online scheduling system. We'll see you soon!

Our self-service scheduling system will hold all of your info so nothing gets lost.

Pick the time that's best for you and your family and schedule right in your account.

Each session is 10 lessons ($250) , taught Monday-Friday for two weeks consecutively.

Each lesson is 20 minutes and a private one-on-one with one of our incredible instructors.

We're passionate about what we do